We work with the professional breaching community which includes military forces across the US and Overseas, to provide a product that is easy to build, easy to carry, and easy to deploy.
You can download our catalog below which gives product details, usage and pricing.
About BreachPop For Military

We like our prospective customers to test and evaluate our product to make sure it meets their needs before they commit to a bigger order. This is especially important for military units to know that this products is suitable for their specific missions. We offer several different packages to help you evaluate.
Billing is done through invoicing.
Test and Evaluation Packages

BreachPop #1

BreachPop #2

BreachPop #3
The BreachPop #1, #2 and #3 are sized differently to accomodate different detonating cord configurations.
$ 1999
“The Team” Test and Evaluation Pack comes with enough BreachPops® to test the common configurations as shown in the catalog. Charges range from Low-N.E.W. training charges up to those capable of defeating a heavy metal door.
Lengths range from 5” to 12” strip charges, full length sliding hinge charges and linear charges. The building of the charges is outlined in the BreachPop Common Loadings and Build Instructions Manual provided with each order.
(5) 5” BreachPop #1 to make one short det. cord training charge, two 7” C2 IDCs, and one C2 mini-nunchuk.
(5) 5” BreachPop #3 to make one det cord 3-wrap IDC, one det. cord mini-nunchuk and one C2 mini-nunchuk.
(15) 8” BreachPop #1 to make ten det. cord training charges and five C2 0.5”x8” strip charges.
(15) 8” BreachPop #3 to make five 8” 3-wrap det. cord strips, four C2 0.75” x 8” strips and two sliding hinge charges.
(2) BP#1 Bi-Fold Linears to build 1-wrap det. cord linear charges for a wood and light metal door.
(2) BP#1 TriFold Linears to build a 1-wrap det. cord trifold for a light metal door and a C2 trifold for a heavy metal door.
(2) BP#3 TriFold Linears to build a 3-wrap det. cord trifold for a heavy metal door and C2 trifold for a heavy metal door.
The Team
Training Pack
$ 3499
The BreachPop® Training Pack is comprised of low-N.E.W. training charges that replicate the carrying, feel and application
of full power charges while delivering significantly less overpressure during breaching training using det cord. By using C2 sheet explosive, you can build operational strength charges with the same BreachPops #1 you use for training.
These are in the form of the standard 5” BreachPop #1, 8” BreachPop #1, 18” BreachPop #1 and the BreachPop #1 Bi-Fold.
(40) 5” BreachPop #1 to build (20) Training Interior Charges
(10) Training Mini-Nunchuks (Use C2 for operational strength)
(40) 8” BreachPop #1 to build (40) Training Strip Charges (Use C2 for operational charge strength)
(15) 18” BreachPop #1 to build (4) Tri-Fold Linears (C2 on commercial doors) and (3) Det Cord Strips (C2 operational strength)
(5) BreachPop #1 Bi-Fold Linears to build (5) Fully Tamped Linear Charges (Use C2 for commercial doors)
***Substitute BreachPop #3 one-for-one at no additional cost***
Cut the rubber to length/width with scissors to build a pushing charge on metal doors.
The Battalion
“The Battalion” Test & Evaluation Pack comes with enough BreachPop® to be split amongst several breachers. This provides the opportunity to test and evaluate the various offerings as the breacher’s see fit, including incorporating them into training scenarios with their team, squad, platoon or company.
(50) 5” Breachpop #1
(50) 8” Breachpop #1
(10) BreachPop #1 Bi-Fold Linears
(10) BreachPop #1 Tri-Fold Linears
(50) 5” BreachPop #3
(50) 8” BreachPop #3
(10) BreachPop #3 Tri-Fold Linears
(10) BreachPop #3 Bi-Fold Linears
(7) BreachPop #3-5” to build two mini-nunchucks to be use on a solid wood door, a class I metal door, or a fiberglass door, plus a sliding hinge charge for use on a solid wood, fiberglass or class I metal push door
(2) 45° BreachPop #2-5” to build a mini-nunchuck for a fiberglass door
(2) BreachPop #3-8” to build a C2 Strip for a Class II metal door and a det cord strip for a solid wood door
(3) BreachPop #1-8” to build C2 Strip Charges for class I metal door and solid wood doors
Cut the rubber to length/width with scissors to build a pushing charge on metal doors.
$ 9999
Depending on the explosives most commonly used by your unit, you will need different BreachPops for operational charges.
Upon completion of a Test & Evaluation Program, you will have a better understanding of which BreachPops are right for you. By purchasing in volumes of 50, 200 or 500, you are able to earn a significant discount and ensure you always have what you need on hand! We can create custom orders depending on your needs.
Refer to the BreachPop Common Loads and Build Instr14uctions Manual for information about which BreachPops were designed to hold what N.E.W. and type of explosives.
Contact us to learn more and place an order offline via our form.
Manufacturer Part Number Description Unit Price
BP1-5; BP2-5 ;BP3-5 ; 5” BreachPop $25.00
BP1-8; BP2-8; BP3-8; 8” BreachPop $35.00
BP1-12; BP2-12; BP3-12; 12” BreachPops $40.00
BP1-15; BP1-18; BP3-16; 15”, 16”, 18” BreachPop $40.00
BP1-36; BP3-36; 36” BreachPop $110.00/pair